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Firstly, I must say the Awakening Course is an indication of God’s intentionality and way to bring me into MORE. It was that timely for me. Not just timely, but it was also insightful, bringing me to a place of meditation and reflection and then spurring me to take action. Action even as little as sharing your light bulb moment with people around you because you suddenly feel scales dropped from your eyes and you have so much exposure to light that you can’t but share it. I remember always bringing my husband to a conversation each time I watch a module. Like I can’t keep the knowledge to myself. It’s too hot to do so. The structure of the course is awesome, I like the flow of the modules (the videos are not too long that you lose focus), and the playlists are my go-to each week (I remember questioning our lead steward for playlists when we had some modules that didn’t require one), the accountability subgroups, the reviews were hot( imagine hearing interpretations on a subject from a diverse angle),  the community (our anchor scripture says it all)  and the love notes in our inbox. Everything is so packed to provide you with the best experience in your spiritual walk. All the modules were relatable and practical. The teachers made things bare, simple, and clear.  One of my best modules was the module on Spiritual Maturity, gosh! I stayed glued to that video and even watched it more than once. It was a liberating one for me. And that’s how the other modules were too. The teachers were carefully chosen for each module and they delivered God’s word with so much zeal and clarity. Lastly, participating in the course provided leverage to step into executing one of the projects God has committed to my hands. My slogan for the course is; ‘ You can not take the awakened course and not be awakened, hun hun, your spirit won’t even let you rest, because you will be so filled to the overflowing.  I’m thankful to our Lead Steward who by the spirit of God designed this course and to all the teachers and team o f DOAC. I urge you also to be a part of this great community of God’s daughters who are awakened to their God-ordained life on earth. Thank you. Helen Olayiwola

Helen Olayiwola

Joining DOAC has really added positively to my life. It has been very enlightening and transformational for me. The awakening course shed light on so many questions I’ve been longing to get answers for. It has helped improve my intimacy with God. Before the course, I usually find it difficult to have a quiet time with God but now I’ve learned to always put God first no matter how busy my day is. Also, I’ve found out more about my purpose. I now live a purposeful and intentional life by putting God first. I used to have a mentality of living by default but all that changed after taking the awakening course and I’m proud and glad to say I now live by God’s design. I now see the light, I see more to life. I’m now an awakened woman, a generation of change, a mover, and a shaker, awakened to new dimensions, taking charge and called to high places to rule. I have so many roles as an awakened woman in the kingdom Agenda

Omotola Akhigbe

The Awakening course was so timely for me. I was in a place of no fire when I saw the advert and I immediately told myself "you need this". The 12 weeks on the course surely didn't leave me the way I had started. Now, I am consciously putting strength to ensure a well-rounded life of constant growth. I am awakened to my purpose and consciously maintaining my relationship with God. My best part? 😊 the playlist, resource, and review. Yes! I loved the whole part.😆💪👍

Assumpta Udochukwu

My time at DOAC has been so amazing. DOAC motivates me and makes me more spiritually grounded through accountability. The gathering is real. There is no discrimination in our discussions. Everyone is allowed to be vulnerable. I really like that. DOAC reinforced in me the reason the scripture tells us not to forsake the gathering of the brethren. When I count the best decisions I made this year, DOAC remains on top.

Oluwaseun Oyekan

DOAC community came at a very much-needed time. You know how you conclude the service year and different thought starts to fill your head, this community was Godsent and answers to my prayers. In this community, I have experienced exponential growth and consistency in my quiet time. Also, I love the community of fellow fire-branded women. I have learned that God loves me and he desires that I spend time with him. I was struggling with obedience and it took one Awakening conversation to push me into obedience. I don’t doubt that this community is a move of God at this time. Lastly, I so much love the convener’s intentionality about the community. She leads by example a nd it’s really inspiring. Thanks for the amazing playlist too. You should join if you are looking for a community to spur you on in growth but remember you need to hold yourself accountable to the growth process.

Oyinkansolami Adekunle

The Daughters of Awakening community has groomed me to be a better person. Before joining, I had been confused about so many things that pertain to spirituality and purpose. Since I joined, my confidence, faith, consistency, and social skills have developed due to the various enlightening activities and sessions that are being incorporated into each program. This is a place for the heart that thirsts for God. It is a place where the purpose is being discovered. Oh! During that last program, we treated 'purpose discovery', an important topic for everyone who wishes to live a purposeful life This particular topic has helped me see more of what God has in store for me and what He expects from me. Furthermore, I love the consistency and love for God I see in the convener and teachers. This is worth emulating.

Rhoda Makinde

For a long time, I had this emptiness and felt the need to join a community of Godly women doing kingdom business.  God led me to DOAC and this ended my earnest search for a community.  Since joining, I have learnt the place of purpose and unshaken faith in God to direct my steps according to his purpose for me. Most importantly, I got to be part of a community of Godly women diligently studying God's word.

Stella Abu

Being a part of DOAC has awakened me to the need to continuously maintain a close relationship with the Father. I have been able to learn and see certain things in a more detailed light. It's been really Awesome!!

Wemimo Adigun

The Awakening course lives up to its name as every aspect of the program helped to revive me to spiritual disciplines. It is easy to neglect the things of God due to the cares of this world and the community that DOAC provides, helps to stay on track in the pursuit of God and the establishment of His kingdom here on earth as well as helping one grow in personal development and clarity of purpose. You get to grow spiritually and also grow in other needed areas. I'm glad to be a member.

Busayo Olajide

I registered for one of DOAC's Courses and completely forgot that I did. I was added to a learning group and I was so overwhelmed at that time because I had other engagements and I didn't know how I was going  to balance things. When the Course schedule was released It was so convenient  that my overwhelm immediately  vanished 😂. I also learnt how to balance things from the courses, I learnt more about purpose discovery and how to go about it(which was a struggle for me before then), I also learnt practical tips about how to better my life. The weekly learning reviews were really helpful for me as it was a way of going through the course again. DOAC  also kept me on my toes, I resolved to be consistent and show up for all the reviews and be very active which I did. I got gifts too(I love gifts so they meant a lot to me😄) I'm grateful for DOAC.

Funmilayo Bello

My experience so far in the Daughters of Awakening community has been both enlightening and wonderful. The sense of having a community to discuss with and learn from is everything to me.

Onome Aire

DOAC is an amazing and inspiring platform. God is intentionally drawing me closer to Himself at this time of my life, and the DOAC Awakening course video teachings, weekly reviews, music reviews and the Deep dive book reviews have played such an integral part in this. I'm so honored to be part of what God is doing with women through this platform.

Damilola Afolabi

When I joined DOAC, I was at a very bad place mentally. I needed to hear God personally and get clarity about my life. DOAC ticked all my boxes and more. My knowledge of God and his ways increased. Most importantly, I learned that no part of our life is a mistake, we must just learn to yield to God at all times , even when we are angry or sad. My heart was truly awakened and this has helped me to rest on God’s perfect love. It was an amazing experience , the teachers taught well and the review sessions were therapeutic!

Oluwatosin Babalola

The Awakening course, I must say is a must for every girl, lady, woman, mother, every female in particular. DOAC is one of the best things that happened to me in the year 2022. Firstly, This is truly an awakening course because you can’t join and not be awakened like it’s not possible at all. I joined just like everyone but guess what, I did not leave the way I joined. My life took a turn after the first class. The best part I loved (and it was what helped me) was the accountability part. It was a good motivation and it made me want to do more and not be left behind. The conversations we always had, everyone including the facilitators sharing what we all learned made it feel so real to me and I always looked forward to the conversations. I am so glad to be a part of this family. Nobody was as excited as I was when cohort 2 came and I made sure all my female friends got to join. I made it compulsory for them because we all have to grow together. The truth is DOAC will answer a lot of questions for you and you will gain a lot, to be honest. At the end of the Awakening course, I could point out things I knew about God that I am sure I would not have known on my own. The Daughters Of Awakening Community is the best thing that happened to me and I urge every lady to join us and experience it, all of it.

Nwanna Chioma